Looking for an inexpensive way to get rid of or prevent stretch marks? I used this DIY stretch mark cream when I was a pregnant mama. I wanted to experiment with some great oils that can help my skin stay looking great… and even get rid of or fade some of the stretch marks I […]
10 Easy Ways to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy
We all dread them…. and yet we are told there is nothing we can do to prevent stretch marks. It’s genetic. You either get them or you don’t. Though I don’t completely disagree with this statement, I know there are things you can do to prevent stretch marks. Perhaps some people’s skin is miraculously more […]
Morning Sickness Remedies (It worked for me!)
After two horrible pregnancies, I figured out the morning sickness remedies my body needed to go from puking 12 times a day to almost never. With my first pregnancy I was put on a nausea medication that basically made me sleep 3 months of my life away. When I wasn’t sleeping I was still puking. […]
Labor-Aid Recipe for Hydration and Morning Sickness
Two of the hardest things about pregnancy are staying hydrated, and avoiding morning sickness. Seems like there are no two pregnancies alike, and varied reasons and triggers for morning sickness. However, this one labor-aid recipe should be able to help with both. Yay! And we aren’t even talking labor yet. It also plays a role […]
How to Test Negative for GBS
Group B Strep has been one of my biggest frustrations. The medical community treats it as if it is no big deal. Typically, it doesn’t cause an adult any detriment, and if you are pregnant and test positive for GBS they simply pump you full of antibiotics through an IV when you deliver your baby. […]