Ah pregnancy… that special time when you are supposed to be ecstatic about having a baby, but you really just want to hurl, and sleep, and soak in the bath. All because of a very special root it doesn’t have to be that way. There are many health benefits of ginger during pregnancy, so many in fact that you will be singing its praises.
Helps with Morning Sickness
When morning sickness hits, ginger should be every pregnant woman’s go to remedy. Ginger acts as a calming agent, and when compared to a placebo came through with shining colors in clinical tests. Try homemade ginger ale or ginger tea to soothe those tummy troubles.
Helps the Body Absorb Nutrients
There are all kinds of health issues that can thwart the body’s ability to absorb nutrients, from candida to poor diet. When you are pregnant getting the right nutrients is essential. Consuming ginger will help boost your nutrient absorption and help your baby get the nutrients he or she needs to grow and develop.
Helps Manage Glucose Levels
Do you fear that nasty orange drink and the possible positive test result for gestational diabetes? Fear no more! Research shows that ginger can help keep blood glucose levels in check. Which will keep mama and baby healthy. It will also help you keep up your energy and avoid some of the exhaustion associated with pregnancy.
Reduces Inflammation
By nature ginger is anti-inflammatory. So slice up some ginger, dip it in honey and snack away as you watch the swelling and pregnant inflammation reduce.
Blocks Acid from Heartburn
Pregnancy can bring on the worst heartburn, even for those who don’t typically have a problem with it, and especially at night. Using ginger can be a great way to avoid it. The excess acid that leads to heartburn can be undone by the properties of ginger. Try adding it to your evening meal. The best part is there are no side effects to taking it, and it can be used for the long-term without harming you or your baby.
Relieves Gas
There are a lot of things no one warns you about before you get pregnant, like gas. No one told me that it is common to experience the worst gas of my life that wouldn’t go away for nine long months.
Talk about a mood killer! Am I right?!
But here we have ginger to the rescue again. Since ginger is an amazing digestive aid, consuming a little before bed helps to clear out your digestive system and neutralize the problem.
Provides Pain Relief
Regardless of what type of pain you’re suffering from, ginger can relieve it. Ginger works on a hormonal level, and the anti-inflammatory nature means that overall you should have fewer aches and pains. Try starting your day with a cup of ginger tea, ginger ale, or adding it to a smoothie. Or perhaps try adding ginger essential oil to your drink, or adding grated ginger to an omelet. Starting your day with ginger can help promote a pain-free day.
Increases Sexual Desire
Let’s face it ladies, pregnancy is often accompanied with a lack of desire. But I bet you wouldn’t have guessed that ginger would help you in the bedroom. Ginger improves function of the circulatory system. Your lovely lady parts rely heavily on circulation in order to become aroused.
Strengthens Immunity
Between exhaustion and morning sickness, the last thing you need to worry about while pregnant is getting sick. Ginger has the amazing ability to strengthen immunity. Which means that you get sick less often, that you recover more quickly when you do get sick, and that even if everyone else around you is coming down with an illness you can generally avoid it.
Relieves Tired Muscles
Few things can leave you as worn out as pregnancy, and I’m not just talking fatigue, I mean tired muscles. Whether it be sciatica, back pain, or sore feet, ginger can help ease the pain.
Check out our Vibrant Pregnancy Starter Kit for more tips and tricks that will make pregnancy far easier and healthier.
Check out our ginger recipe roundup!
Thanks alot for your post & I see that what you have explained about the benefits of Ginger is what I have also experienced but other websites have it that Ginger can also be harmful especially during the early months of pregnancy which has got me confused coz this guys claim to be medics though I don’t agree with them. Do you have any medical reference that I can use.
Thank you
Gloria Uganda.
I have tried ginger and it has healed morning sickness.
I love this website.
It helped me to lose fat of stomach.And i fell in love with lemon ginger tea. Nice share.
Than u so much ginger is the best