We have all been there at one time or another.
Even if you are now a seasoned married couple, perhaps you are in the habit of getting the same ol’ thing when it comes to your personal lubricant.
Vaginal dryness can be caused by:
So what else is in personal lubricants that I should be aware of, besides sugars?
Petroleum or petroleum-derived ingredients
Silicone oils
Glycerin and glucose
Propylene glycol
I don’t know about you, but there were a lot of things from that list I don’t want anywhere near my ‘nether regions. So what in the heck am I going to use??
Like I said earlier, I was recommended a new brand of personal lubricant and I think it is great and it seems to be a perfect solution (no pun intended, hehe). You can find it here.
If you want to go even more natural and not buy a man made lubricant there are other things you can use/do.
- Olive oil
- Coconut oil (Find it here)
- Vitamin E oil
- Saliva “The most readily accessible and often personally preferred lubricant is human saliva.” Source
- Taking more time to “prepare”
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Photo courtesy: Freedigitalphotos.net
Thank you so much for writing this! I loved your description of buying lube. I remember my first few trips, during which I realized that in every single store, that aisle is directly in front of the pharmacy counter.
All very good information to have. I’ve know for awhile that this is something I need to look into more, but I’ve never known where to look.
You mention that health care professionals caution against coconut oil, but you still use it. What is your opinion on that topic? I’ve heard coconut oil is great for those who don’t use condoms (which we don’t – go NFP!).
We didn’t stumble upon that tidbit of information until we started the research for this article. Personally, I’ve used coconut oil for years and I’ve never had a problem. Since coconut oil not only helps the body resist viruses and bacteria but also helps us fight off yeast fungus and candida. It seems to me that it is actually a very good option and would actually help us avoid any kind of vaginal or urinary infection (Just my thoughts though. I’m no doctor). 🙂
Coconut oil hands down!! Nothing comes close. The only bottle of lube we’ve ever bought (on our honeymoon) is just sitting in the closet. We use it with condoms and without and no issues.
Oh Chloe I can’t be surprised that we’re both reading and commenting on this!! Haha. Kindred spirits, you and I! 🙂
Please rethink this….If you wont eat it then dont apply it anywhere. http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/QAA401181/Is-Carrageenan-Safe.html and http://www.cornucopia.org/carrageenan-2013/ . We have skin reactions and headaches around here but as you can see its much more serious for others.
The article about lubes is very informative, it gave me new view to the lubricants !
Very good information. Thank you.
I did try saliva once because we were out of lube and boy that was a mistake. I got one of the worst yeast infections down there I have ever had. It was horrible. I had to call doctor and get medicine quick. I was in agony! Never again. Think about it. It is a very delicate area and there are so many bacteria in the mouth. NOT a good idea at ALL!!