Yeast infections never come at a convenient time. The good news is that you can use these yeast infection remedies to heal quickly and to prevent them from ever occurring again.

Garlic Insert Yeast Infection Remedy
Garlic is a powerful yeast infection remedy. After spending a year of chronic yeast infections I discovered this remedy. I tried it and it worked wonders! I’ve used it many times since the first time and it is always successful for me. See how to use it in this garlic yeast infection remedy post.
Yogurt Tampon Yeast Infection Remedy
Yogurt is full of probiotics. These probiotics can help balance the yeast in the vagina. The easiest way to use yogurt to heal a yeast infection is by smothering a tampon in plain yogurt and then inserting it into the vagina overnight. This isn’t my preferred method because it is messy, and makes it more difficult to recognize if the yeast infection is gone. It is, however, effective. Also, since some people feel a burning sensation when using garlic, this is a gentle alternative.
Vaginal Probiotic Yeast Infection Remedy
Using a probiotic vaginally works the same way that the yogurt does, but with less mess. Just insert a probiotic into the vagina. It will then dissolve and balance the yeast.
ACV Bath
Adding apple cider vinegar to your bath can help soothe itchiness and heal a yeast infection. Not only is this method free of mess but you get to relax too! Add 1-2 cups of raw ACV to your bath. Soak as long as desired.
Yeast Infection Remedies for Prevention
Have you ever heard that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure? You’re better off prioritizing your health in strategic ways to never get a yeast infection again than you are to constantly be battling with your vagina. Below are a few ways to shift your body into health for the long term.
Ditch Your Birth Control
I know, I know. Birth control can feel like liberation… it isn’t. Being on birth control can cause reoccurring yeast infections, among a laundry list of other symptoms that will inevitably cause other health concerns. This includes all types of hormonal birth control as well as the non-hormonal IUD.
Look into FAM. I recommend this book to help you take a deep dive into female anatomy and body awareness, and to replace the pill or other forms of birth control.
Kill Candida
Candida is the yeast that causes yeast infections. When a yeast infection occurs, it is more because your vaginal flora is out of balance, than it is because it was invaded by an unwanted yeast. Candida naturally occurs throughout your body, and it is ok. It is in your gut, on your skin, and yep… in the vagina everyday of your life. Most of the time it isn’t a problem,… until it is.
The goal here is to keep it in balance. Overeating sugars and breads will feed the candida and can cause it to get out of control everywhere. I talk in depth in this post about it, and how to heal it.
Change Your Diet
You may have guessed that dietary changes would be next on the list. If reoccurring yeast infections are a problem for you, then reevaluating what is on your plate is essential. Opt to eat whole foods, lots of fresh vegetables, grass fed meats, and healthy fats like coconut oil. Also, include foods that boost the immune system like garlic, fermented sauerkraut, raw apple cider vinegar. Avoid processed foods, and limit grains. This is your standard health advice but it really works.
Use the Right Supplements
Adding high quality supplements can help get an infection turned around and prevent them in the future. Vitamin C has long been known for its super power to heal a cold. It works to boost immunity across the board. Opt for a whole food or liposomal vitamin C. My favorite is Acerola cherry powder. I add it to water, or smoothies.
Vitamin D is slowly gaining traction as we have more recently begun to recognize its importance to keeping us healthy. Get out in the sun with exposed skin for 15 minutes per day. Supplement when you can’t or when the weather doesn’t permit skin exposure.
Yeast infections can be a very frustrating experience. It is not fun to be uncertain about what is happening inside your body, to feel uncomfortable, and not to know what to do about it. I hope these yeast infection remedies help you to get to the root of your problem and help you to feel more comfortable in your body.