I Found Myself Chugging Ice Cream, and Eating Half a Loaf of Buttered Bread When… I woke up. I knew that I needed to stop dieting! It didn’t work. The system was failing me. I had a terrible relationship with food. And the solution had to be easier than this. Eating and being healthy just […]
Create Confident Kids with These Simple Tips
You can create confident kids. Confidence isn’t something you are born with or not. Actually, habits, behaviors, beliefs, and ideals are largely created before the age of seven. It is up to parents to use tools that will mold children into their best possible selves. I was not a confident kid. I don’t know that […]
Cranberry Orange Granola Recipe – Perfect Winter Breakfast
This Cranberry Orange Granola is a delicious quick breakfast. This granola is a perfect addition for Christmas time… festive, but easy to make and healthy. It is loaded with gluten-free crunch and clusters. Healthy Easy Breakfast There are so many confidence foods out there, but most don’t work if you are trying to be healthy, […]
Vegan Whole Wheat Pancakes
Look no further, because a steaming stack of soft and fluffy vegan whole wheat pancakes will leave you abundantly satisfied, and planning to make more of this sweet and healthy goodness. Finding the perfect pancake recipe can be way more complicated than it ought to be. Time and again I find myself falling back to […]
Keto Cheddar and Dill Biscuits (gluten-free)
These Keto Cheddar and Dill biscuits are packed with flavor and the perfect addition to breakfast, lunch, or dinner. They are flaky and filling and really everything you want in a biscuit. Low carb and gluten free The perfect biscuit for whether you want low carb or not. These biscuits are packed with cheddar cheese […]
Decluttering Tips from a Regular Mom
I totally get the craze over minimalism. It has a massive appeal when you are staring at mountains of laundry, and tornadoes of toys. The decluttering itch begs to be scratched! I get it. I really really get it. I’ve read more than one book on minimalism and as much as it gears me up […]