Do you have a hard time getting into the habit of moving and working out? This is a great idea to incorporate exercise into your day and get moving throughout the day. And the best part is it’s so easy.
Step 1: Get a cup or a basket…or a bowl…whatever.
Step 2: Print off the workout list or write your own and cut into strips and place in cup or basket. Step 3: During the day when you walk by grab a paper and do what it says on the paper. So super easy and you get to be active throughout the day.
Step 4: Depending on your fitness level you may want to make goals on how many strips of paper you would like to accomplish each day or week.
Here are a few videos showing great bodyweight workouts you can add to your list.
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[…] Exercise and moving is so important to our health – but let’s face it, sometimes it can be hard to make the time or find the motivation to exercise. While I’ll tend to do great a exercise majority of the time I will always have days or weeks where I find myself pushing it aside for something else. That is when I turn to these quick and easy ways to incorporate exercise into my day! […]