Once upon a time my toddler found a big fat black permanent marker. The artist in her was begging to manifest itself. Her fingers began to twitch and her lip began to quiver and she turned into a mini Picasso. Later, as she was simply sitting quietly playing with her toy pony I discovered her incredible abstract drawing on the wall.
Now, had this happened in my home it might have been ok, I still have paint cans in the basement, I could have covered it up. Had this happened now, I wouldn’t have blinked because I now have the secret to removing such grand wall decor. Alas, this happened at Grandma’s house, and the only weapon I had was plain old Soft Scrub.
Now soft scrub can be pretty useful. It scrubs up messes rather well. However, Soft Scrub is capable of removing paint before it can get all the marker off the wall. And that is exactly what happened. I scrubbed and scrubbed at that little girl drawing until I started to see the tan paint fade away and the white primer show through, and to my dismay there was still a hint of marker mixed about the mess.
All that I had left to do was sigh and say sorry, with hopes that Grandma wouldn’t be too annoyed. It was off in a seldom seen corner afterall.
Fortunately for me, that is the end of that story. Now let’s fast forward a few years to toddler number 2. This time the permanent marker was pink… but really the color wouldn’t have mattered, and it was in my home. Unfortunately, my husband had just done some touch-up paint a few weeks previously and if I would have only been armed with Soft Scrub then I might have been a little disappointed. But I have now found much better things, and no toddler can best me. I have my super awesome and powerful All Natural, Better than Soft Scrub Cleaner! Here is how it works:
- 1 Cup Baking Soda
- 1 Cup Water
- 10 drops Lemon essential oil
- Add ingredients to a glass jar. Shake thoroughly. Be amazed at how fast it cleans and how fresh it smells!
Uses for this All Natural Cleaner:
- Works great on cleaning glass stove tops.
- Best cleaner ever for scrubbing off soap scum.
- Works awesome for removing marker, crayon, or pencil from hard surfaces.
Order essential oils here!
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Photo courtesy: Freedigitalphotos.net/podpad