Right now we have one Himalayan salt lamp in our home. We have enjoyed having it and will likely soon increase the amount so that we can have one in each room.
How does a Himalayan salt lamp work?
You would think that’s strange a light and a chunk of salt right? Himalayan salt lamps are made of large piece of himalayan salt with a little bulb inside. They often look like this but you can get more decorative ones as well like this.
When made with pure Himalayan Salt they work by generating negative ions. They do this as water in the air is drawn to the salt and is heated by the light thus evaporating the water. The evaporation creates a negative ion.
“An ion (/ˈaɪən, –ɒn/)[1] is an atom or a molecule in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons, giving the atom or molecule a net positive or negative electrical charge.”
Things that create negative ions often include waterfalls, or that feeling after a storm. The air is full of negative ions.
Positive ions are created by electronics, microwaves, and computers. Positive and negative ions bind together thus neutralizing each other. Often in our homes we have an over abundance of positively charged ions. As a result Himalayan salt lamps can affect our health as they neutralize the positive ions.
Negative ions generally increase oxygen flow to the brain creating a more positive mood. some have even found negative ion generators to be as affective as antidepressants.
Salt lamps naturally purify the air in your home:
Often Molds, Dusts, and bad bacteria have a positive charge so because the salt lamp produces negative ions it will neutralize positively charged particles in your home.
The can reduce allergy symptoms:
Many allergies are cause by these same molds and dusts along with other particles that are neutralized by the negative ions from a salt lamp.
Salt lamps counteract electromagnetic Radiation:
Electromagnetic fields are known to cause harm to the body increasing risk of cancer and stress on the body. When annalyzing a single cell exposed to EMF’s, the cell emitted a measurable stress response. The negative ions emitted from a salt lamp counteract the emf.
Improve Sleep Quality:
EMF’s decrease the melatonin in your body. Therfore by default when counteracting the EMFs you will get better quality sleep. Ever notice how great of sleep you get when camping even though you are not in your comfy bed vs the sleep you get at a hotel. There are not so many EMF’s out there and it helps us feel refreshed.
From my experience Himalayan salt lamps are great to have around. Besides looking great, they contribute to a serene feel in my home.
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