Every once in a while cloth diapers need to be stripped to keep them in good working condition and clean. It removes buildup of detergent, oils, or minerals. There are many things that can build up on your diapers that can make them less absorbent.
What causes Diaper Buildup?
How often should I strip my cloth diapers:
What do I need?
Then do a couple more rinses with no detergent or soap in it to get them completely rinsed free of the bleach. If there is suds at the end of the cycle, keep rinsing.Method 2: Set your washing machine on a heavy duty cycle with a hot wash and don’t add any detergent. Add your clean cloth diapers. When the washer is done filling and begins to agitate, open the lid and check for an suds. If you see any or a layer of film you will want to repeat the wash cycle until you no longer see any detergent in the water during agitation.
Method 4: Baking soda and Vinegar. You can put a little bit of baking soda in with the wash and fill a downy ball to the correct mark with white vinegar and put it in your wash. It will release during the first rinse cycle. Include a second rinse cycle to the wash. This is a great way to wash All in one and pocket diapers.After looking at a few different ways I decided to try method number 4: Baking soda and vinegar. I wanted to see if it worked before trying the others. They came out looking pretty good and without the smell straight from the dryer.
If you have a good washing routine you should NEVER need to strip your diapers. It’s not a normal part of cloth diapering. Most problems are caused by using bad detergent, such as BumGenius which is actually just water softeners and soap, or way too much water. I have a HE Front loader and I do one rinse, then a wash with a 1/2 cup of borax and Tide to line 3. Then I dry however I choose. That’s it! I used to believe all the myths they tell you about cloth diaper safe detergent and TONS of extra water and I was having so many issues. Then I found the facebook group Fluff Love and CD Science and fixed everything. Go check them out and I PROMISE your cloth diapering routine and your life will get so much easier.
Yes!!!!! Go to fluff love. I had so many problems before … Once I got a new wash. Routine using real detergent from the lovely ladies on fluff love my diapers smell SOOOOO good
Please do NOT strip your diapers with dawn. Even if you read on dawns own website they say do not use in a washing machine. You will ruin your diapers and your machine so please just don’t do it. Go to fluff love university ??
Help! I’ve been cloth diapering my 7 month old daughter for abut 3 weeks because she had an awful rash that we couldn’t kick. I just now realize after reading yours and other blogs that Destin has caused build up in her liners. They smell funky after being washed and dried. My sweet mother in law who clothed diapered her two kiddos 35-45 years ago insists that I have to bleach them every time I wash them which I don’t think I need to b/c I think it will compromise the quality of the fabric, but in a last ditch effort I washed them in bleach to get rid of the smell, after trying to strip them with vinigor, and dish soap. The smell lingered. So I soaked them in bleach/water the next day for 4 hours. The smell lingered. I don’t know what to do with them. Are they ruined or is there a way to redeem them? I use bumgenious 4.0 pocket diapers with microfiber liners.
yeah, sometimes it can be very complicated. I also have microfiber diapers. If stripping didn’t work you may need to look at your wash routine. Some people believe you should never have to strip the diaper. Here is a post that might help. https://thehealthyhoneys.com/?p=2707&preview=true