- DE cleans out toxins and parasites
- DE scrubs your intestines clean, breaking up any mold or slim and making your intestines healthier.
- DE destroys bad fats and lowers cholesterol
- De helps joints feel better, makes your skin glow, and your hair healthier, and also toughens your nails (due to the silica in DE)
So now, even though my candida problem is long gone, I still use diatomaceous earth. I mix it into yogurt or smoothies, I stir it in to juices. It doesn’t have any flavor, but i like to hide it in something thick because it has a chalky texture that makes me gag otherwise. Ten years from now I hope I can see more benefits of using it. I hope I look young with healthy hair and skin. I hope my cholesterol is good. (I’ve honestly never had it checked… I should probably do that) I hope my joints resist time and age and stay healthy. We will just have to wait and see.Do you want to eat dirt too? You can get it here.
I was looking at your article about this type of dirt and I wanted to try it out since my dad has always teach me about natural food and my whole life includes looking and know all natural products. But I have never tried this out. I’m on a budget and I went on amazon to finds so of the dirt and I found this one
And I was wonder if I can get any DE and it would hurt my health. Please reply back 🙂
And is there a different between the 1st link of DE I sent you and this one http://www.amazon.com/Natures-Wisdom-Food-Grade-lb/dp/B003RDKKV6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1394317775&sr=8-1&keywords=pure+earth+d
And if in the description box on amazon it says for pests and it doesn’t mmention Its edible can I still use it?
DE has many different uses. Technically it is NOT approved by the FDA for human consumption. However, it is commonly fed to dags, and chickens and other animals. And there are lots and lots of people who eat it as well. I would only use DE that is labeled food grade. Both of your links are to food grade DE, and should be very similar.
OK thanks