Here at The Healthy Honeys, we believe keeping our kids healthy is super important. We go out of our way to provide them with a healthy diet, and healthy treats. We also do what we can to spread the word about commercial sugary treats and try to avoid them without our kids thinking we are wacko. We have to bite our tongues occasionally when someone hands our children a sucker, and resist the temptation to slap it out of their hands. And we try really hard not to tell the kind and crazy giver of candy that sugar is an addictive substance not far different from other drugs, and it depletes important nutrients, etc…
So for this special day of love, we would simply like to share some fun printables, and a different way to spread love to friends and family! Enjoy!
These are designed for 4 inch gift or party bags. Fold them in half and staple on the bag.
To download click on photo and save image or click here to download all of them as a pdf.
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